brecht beuselinck

brecht beuselinck is an audio engineer and sound designer. he studied sound at ritcs brussels, double bass at the conservatory of bruges and music technology at ircam in paris. his career started in brussels, working at blindman and freelancing for various theatres. after moving to ghent he worked for several years with a large range of directors and composers at lod music theatre.

brecht delivers sound design and live mixes for dance, theatre and opera performances with companies such as lageste, ntgent or grip. he toured across belgium and europe with josse de pauw, alain platel and gorges ocloo. as technical director he supported the works of choreographer femke gyselinck, actress kristien de proost and soprano lieselot de wilde. more recently he worked with lisaboa houbrechts, milo rau and jan martens.

brecht performed a live score on stage for
josse de pauw's "de helden" and made the soundtrack for "the last night of the world" by brussels director fabrice murgia, which premiered at festival d'avignon. in lieselot de wilde's latest performance "figurine" he plays the double bass, alongside a prerecorded soundscape.

in his studio in ghent, he records vocals, instruments and small ensembles or mixes large orchestras for theatre shows, television and radio. he occasionally creates the sound design for social media and podcasts.

off duty he finds solace in his vinyl collection, reveling in the joys of diverse musical expressions. with a soft spot for rhythmic beats, textured layers and field recordings, he assembles mixes for internet radio and live sets under the alias

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